Scope & Sounds: Sagittarius SZN

Listen to our Sagittarius playlist here

As we welcome in the Sagittarius season we are also welcoming in an eclipse season! We start off with a Lunar Eclipse on November 19th with a Full Moon in Taurus, which will be paired with a Solar Eclipse on December 4th and a New Moon. Eclipses bring forth rapid change and unexpected events, so buckle up and prepare to be surprised! Sagittarius gives us the fearlessness to press forward, to tap into our rebellious nature and try a new adventure. Though we are heading into the fullness of winter, pay attention to the places that life is surprising you and allow yourself to be in awe! Live for the experiences and you will find your celebration.

Music Spotlight: Tina Turner

Tina Turner gave us a light to hold onto through perseverance and forward-motion in her music and her life story. Her best act didn’t even arrive until her mid-adult years. She is a true testament that it is never too late to start over and to do it with your own voice. Where could you use a bit of encouragement in your life? What adventure do you keep putting on hold? Take the chance on yourself, it won’t be a choice that you regret.

Horoscope written by Imani Quinn @imanirachelquinn

Imani is a multi-hyphenate biracial mystic artist. She is co-author of Astrology SOS with Hardie Grant Publishing, seen in Bustle, Instyle and more. She is a Quantum Oracle, and can be seen for intuitive readings and energy work. Catch her weekly on her podcast Modern Mystic Chronicles for a dose of magic through mystic storytelling.